Sabado, Marso 2, 2013

Philippines Vs. Malaysia


A majority of Filipinos everywhere are wondering what is this Sabah claim

is all about. The Philippine history books, Malaysian's probably too,

have not mentioned about the Philippines' stake on the northern part

of the island of Borneo. On the other hand, the Malaysians maybe
furious that there are a lot of attention now being focused to that
part of the Malaysian federation to which they believe was theirs
since the British handed the territory in 1963.

What we are trying here is to bring an insight to this dispute based on

our researched of the various facts (or allegations) regarding this subject.

As Filipino Americans, our main concern in bringing about this article is to

tell that part of the history of the Philippines.


Sabah, is the northern part of Borneo. It is bordered by Sarawak on its

southwestern side, and Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) to the south.

Sabah has a coastline of approximately 800 to 900 miles and with the
South China Sea in the west and north, the Sulu Sea in the northeast
and the Celebes Sea in the east. Sabah's total land area is 76,115 sq km
(29,388 sq miles). Sabah's population is about 2.5 million. It is 1,961 km
from Hong Kong, 1,143 km from Manila, 1,495 km from Singapore, 1,678 km
from Kuala Lumpur and 2,291 km from Taipei - note that it is nearer to
Manila than Malaysia's capital of Kuala Lumpur.

North Borneo is much undeveloped and very rich in natural resources.

One of the wealthiest oil producing countries is located in same island

of Borneo, the tiny Sultanate of Brunei.


The Sultanate of Sulu was granted the territory as a prize for helping

the Sultan of Brunei against his enemies and from then on that part of

Borneo is recognized as part of the Sultan of Sulu's sovereignty. In 1878,

Baron Von Overbeck, an Austrian partner representing The British North Borneo
Co. and his partner British Alfred Dent, leased the territory known as "Sabah"
- roughly translated as "the land beneath the winds". In return the company
will provide arms to the Sultan to resist the spaniards and 5,000 Malaysian
ringgits annual rental based on the Mexican dollars value at that time or
its equivalent in gold. This lease have been continued until the independence
and formation of the Malaysian federation in 1963 together with Singapore,
Sarawak and Malaysia. Up to these days, the Malaysians have been continuing
the rental payment of 5,300 Malaysian ringgits - a 300 ringgits increased from
original rent.

In 1962 during the Pres. Diosdado Macapagal's administration (the father
of the present president, Gloria Arroyo), the Philippines formally claimed
Sabah based on the Sultanate of Sulu heirs' claim on the territory. The
Philippines broke diplomatic relations with Malaysia after the federation
have included "Sabah". The sultan's heirs have given the Philippine government
the authority to pursue the claim legally in international courts. However, the
succeeding administrations have either have ignored or set aside the claim for
peaceful co-existent and trade relation with the Malaysians.
One significant incident involving then President Marcos have briefly brought
into limelight the Sabah claim once more. In 1972, the Marcos government have
been training secretly a group of Muslim Filipinos in Corregidor, an island
off Manila Bay, for possible intrusion in Sabah to pave the way to an armed
succession of Sabah from Malaysia. But upon knowing of the plans, the recruits
have mutinied and were eliminated except for one that swam the bay and was
rescued. The newspapers have called this incident, the "Jabidah Massacre"
named after the operation that was given by the military. The survivor divulged
the plan and the claim was put in back burner once more. It was believe that
because of the incident, the Malaysians have been aiding the Muslim separatists
against the Philippine government. Some people says this distracted the attention
to the claim on Sabah as the government was embroiled in containing the conflict.

The claim was based on several historical facts and court judgement.
The lease agreement is definitely a proof otherwise there will be no basis for any
agreement if such ownership was not established at all. The contract was between Sri
Paduka Maulana Al Sultan Mohammad Jamalul Alam - representing the sultanate as owner
and sovereign of Sabah on one hand, and that of Gustavus Baron de Overbeck and Alfred
Dent, representing the British East India Co. (then became the North Borneo Co.), on
the other as lessee of Sabah, was executed on June 22, 1878. Though the British turned
over the possession and government of Sabah to the federation, the Malaysians have not
remissed in paying the annual rental.

The 1939 court judgement on the claim had handed ownership of North Borneo to the heirs
of the Sultanate prior to the formation of Malaysian federation in 1963. The judgment
of Chief Justice C.F.C. Makaskie of the High Court of North Borneo in the civil suit
filed by the late Dayang Dayang Hadji Piandao and eight other heirs of the Sultan of
Sulu, including the famous Putlih (Princess) Tarhata Kiram, upheld the validity of the
claim of the heirs.

Being a British colony did they favored the Malaysians than returning the leased
territory to its rightful owners as per 1939 court judgement? Did the British influenced
the outcome of their sponsored 1962 plebiscite to which won by those who wanted to
join the Malaysian federation than be an independent state. One also has to speculate
as to why did the British respected a similar treaty with China by returning Hong Kong
instead of conducting a plebiscite just like the one conducted in Sabah in 1962, is
the Philippines a weak nation that can be ignored? These are some questions that need
to be addressed by those who have the mandate to pursue the Philippine claim.
The Malaysian argument before the International Court (The Hague) is in the link below.
This is based on the islands disputed between Indonesia and Malaysia wherein the
Philippines is trying to intervene.

In the last few months the Malaysian authorities have been deporting, we are not sure
if this is the right term for this action knowing the existence of legal claim to North
Borneo, thousands of Filipinos from Sabah for being illegals and for lack of necessary
documents. There are allegations of inhuman treatments and rapes by Malaysian authorities
which are currently being investigated by both governments. It is also good to point out
that illegal Indonesians are likewise being sent home through Kalimantan (Borneo part
of Indonesia). Both the Philippine and the Indonesian governments have protested the
mass deportation and have indignation rallies against the Malaysian action.

Since the time memorial the numerous ethnic tribes in the southern Philippines notably
the Tausugs and Badjaos have been traversing the Celebes Sea from Sulu to Borneo and
other parts of Indonesia. These tribes are sea faring people and settled from anywhere
around the region. To curtail these movements, the Malaysians have decided to demand
document from the Filipinos in Sabah. Undocumented Filipinos were deported and could
only be admitted back when there are necessary papers presented. This situation is
extremely hard specially to those who have fled the secessionist war during the seventies
and eighties as they are refugees and do not have any travel documents. These Muslim
Filipinos have considered Sabah as part of their domain as their ancestors have been
doing centuries ago. That part of southeast asia is bound by common religion, history
and people.

As per official Philippine government stand, the Philippines will continue legal action
through the international courts and also by bringing this claim again to the attention
of the Malaysian government. One of the immediate objectives is to have the rent increased to
what is a more realistic amount while a claim is still being disputed.

There are apprehensions, as some quarters are claiming, that nothing will come out of this
revived interest in the Sabah claim, they are saying that the Philippine government officials
as in the past can be bribed to lose interest in the claim - there is no concrete evidence to
this effect. The Malaysians are hoping that it will die a natural death for lack of will on
the Philippine claimants to pursue further the claim over the years. The longer the dispute
is settled, the harder (or maybe lesser) for the claimants to get any settlement.

Will the heirs get a just settlement in form of monetary compensation? The heirs had been
offered money before by the Malaysians and have rejected the idea. Will the settlement comes
with some portion of the disputed land for displaced Filipino muslims in Sabah? In any issue
involving property dispute, possession is everything.

Will the Arroyo administration be transparent in negotiations with the Mahathir government
or some kind of a deal will be struck without consultations with the other parties involved?
We will see what will transpire in the future.


Peace to Earth

Pope Benedict XVI formally resigns to become 'pilgrim'

The Pope left the Vatican in a motorcade before boarding a helicopter to the papal retreat. Pope Benedict XVI has officially resigned, saying that he now "will simply be a pilgrim" starting his last journey on earth. The pontiff, aged 85, was earlier flown by helicopter from the Vatican to his retreat at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome. The college of cardinals, headed by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, is now in charge of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics until a new pope is elected. Benedict vowed "unconditional obedience and reverence" to his successor. He stepped down after nearly eight years in office - the first pontiff to do so in 600 years.

David Willey
BBC News, Rome
In normal times, popes make their final exit from the Vatican in a coffin and - after a period of mourning - are laid to rest in the crypt of St Peter's Basilica as the great bells of the first church of Christendom boom out. But not Benedict XVI.

His nearly eight-year-long pontificate has ended not in death, but with a remarkable resignation. Benedict was clearly relieved that the world has now accepted the fact that his physical health has declined to a point where he cannot continue to carry on the heavy responsibilities of leading his Church. Pope Benedict's last words on his final day in office - as he greeted one-by-one the cardinals - were a plea to work together in harmony. Benedict, a classical music lover, urged them to seek to play in harmony, just like an orchestra - for the future good of the Catholic Church.

The day Benedict's papacy ended
'Pope emeritus'
Benedict officially ceased to be the Pope at 20:00 local time (19:00 GMT).

The resignation was marked by the papal Swiss Guards stepping down from their posts at Castel Gandolfo to return to the Vatican. The protection of Benedict was taken over by Vatican police. In his retirement, Benedict will wear a simple white cassock rather than his papal clothes, and swap his famous red shoes - the colour is symbolic of the blood of the early Christian martyrs - for brown. His "Fisherman's Ring", the special signet ring which contains the Pope's name and is impressed to validate certain official documents, is expected to be destroyed along with the lead seal of the pontificate. The German pontiff, who was born Joseph Ratzinger, will continue to be known as Benedict XVI, with the new title of "pope emeritus". The long-time theologian is expected eventually to retire to a monastery on a hill inside Vatican City, with officials saying he will not be able intervene publicly in the papacy of his successor, though he may offer advice. The conclave of 115 cardinals is expected to meet at the Vatican on Monday morning to start planning the election of the next pope.

Joy and sadness

Pope Benedict XVl: "Thank you and good evening"
Earlier on Thursday, bells of St Peter's rang across the Vatican as Benedict boarded the helicopter for a short flight to Castel Gandolfo. Before that, the pontiff was greeted for the last time by top officials in the Curia - the administrative body that runs the Holy See. Benedict then appeared at a window overlooking the public square in Castel Gandolfo to bless a cheering crowd.

"Thank you very much for your friendship," Benedict said.

"I will simply be a pilgrim who is starting the last phase of his pilgrimage on this earth.

"Let's go forward with God for the good of the Church and the world."

Some in the crowd were in tears listening to what could be Benedict's final public words.

The traditional lakeside summer home of the popes is a picturesque "castle town" in the Alban hills, 15 miles (24km) south-east of Rome. The papal palace dates back to the 17th Century and its gardens occupy the site of a residence of the Roman Emperor Domitian
Benedict XVI is expected to spend two months resting in the residence as his successor at the Vatican is chosen and installed. He will have a staff of two secretaries and four women helpers, drawn from a Catholic lay organisation. Vatican police officers will guard the former pope, who lost his Swiss Guards when his resignation took effect "What a joy to see him, but how sad to think it is for the last time," local resident Giuseppina was quoted as saying by the AFP news agency.

In a final posting before his @Pontifex account was suspended and all its entries archived, Benedict tweeted: "Thank you for your love and support. May you always experience the joy that comes from putting Christ at the centre of your lives."

The Vatican now enters the Sede Vacante - or period of transition between two pontificates. Benedict's successor must focus on reforming the Vatican bureaucracy which has often been overly hesitant to react to the various crises which have arisen during Benedict's papacy, the BBC's David Willey reports from the Vatican.

Beset by scandals
On Thursday morning, the Pope received the cardinals at the Vatican's Clementine Hall, warmly embracing Cardinal Angelo Sodano, who passed on best wishes on behalf of those gathered. "Among you there is also the future pope to whom I promise my unconditional obedience and reverence," the pontiff said. "The Church is a living being," he added, but it "also remains always the same". In his public farewell speech on Wednesday, Benedict hinted at Vatican infighting.

Swiss Guards leave their posts at Castel Gandolfo
His decision to resign has been openly criticised by Australia's top Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, who questioned his leadership skills. The Church has been beset by scandals over sexual abuse by priests and leaked confidential documents revealing internal corruption and feuding. An estimated 150,000 people packed into St Peter's Square on Wednesday to hear Benedict speak in his last address there.

Buong mundo ay matinding nabahala dito sa pag-alis sa pagiging Papa ng Roma ni Pope Benedict XVI. Noong Pebrero 28, 2013, Huwebes, bumaba na sa puwesto ang Papa. Saan mang sulok ng mundo, lahat nagbigay ng kani-kaniyang mungkahi at komento maging hindi man sila Katoliko o Kristiyano. Ako, bilang isang Katoliko, talaga namang nagulat ako sa nangyari. Halos hindi pa ako naniniwala noong una ko itong makita sa balita. Hindi ko lubos maisip na mangyayari pa ito. Sabi nga nila, halos lahat ng Papa napapalitan lamang dahil sa kamatayan at hindi dahil kusang bumaba sa pwesto. Ano kaya ang talagang dahilang ng Santo Papa na sila lamang ng Diyos ang nakakaalam? Marami ang nagsasabi na dala ng katandaan. Ngunit sa aking palagay, may mas malalim pang dahilang sa likod ng mga usap-usapin. Nais kong malaman ito ngunit ayaw nang magsabi ng Santo Papa at sa kanila nalang ng Diyos ang lahat ng dahilan nang kanyang pagbaba. Para sa nakararami, Katoliko man o hindi, ang Santo Papa ang sumisimbolo ng kapayapaan at pagkakaisa ng lahat. Paano na ngayong wala na sya sa puwesto? Ano nang mangyayari sa atin? Sana, sa pagpili ng bagong Santo Papa, maging katulad din ito ng iba pang naging Santo Papa na naging daan sa pagkakaisa nang lahat. Ngayong "Year of Faith", ito lamang ang aking hiling at alam ko pati narin ng nakararami.

-This is Mimi signing off... ^_^